We were commissioned by MPI to repaint their display models, in the current company colours. This was to be a challenging and interesting project. Highly detailed models are, and they bring out the child in the toy shop in us all.
The first job was to remove, or protect any of the detail that was likely to be damaged during masking and de-masking processes. This was done with care not to damage the existing paint that wasn’t being re painted.
After masking the areas not being repainted, we prepared the surface to receive paint. Removing the old colours and smoothing out the raised edges of the previous paint scheme. The hull and cranes where then primed to highlight any missed marks and promote a paint bond for the top colours.
Then the paint layer where applied. Masked between layers to create the three primary hull colours.
We designed, and had printed custom markings, and warning notification for the hull. These were carefully positioned to replicate the positioning on the full size vessels. Lacquer was applied to protect the markings, and give the hull a uniform gloss level.
Removing the masking revealed the ships resplendent in their new livery. The final task to replace all the detail that had been removed.
While this project represented a considerable amount of work, its always pleasure giving the customer a finished project.